
These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Martial Arts training provided by the First Party to the Second Party and represent an integral part of this agreement.

  • A membership cum location access QR Code will be provided to the Second party by the First Party for the contract period.
  • First party, their trainers and members of staff are authorized to stop Second Party from performing Martial Arts if in their opinion the Second Party is practicing in a manner that may result in personal injury and/or others.
  • The Second Party must abide by the guidance given by the First Party or by his/her Trainer from time to time.
  • Even though all possible precautions are taken to maintain safety standards by the First Party, all equipment and facilities are used entirely at the Second Party’s own risk.  Any malfunction of equipment noted should be reported to the First Party/ member of staff as soon as it is noticed.
  • For safety and hygiene purposes, no eating is allowed in any areas not so designated.
  • The Second Party shall not use the facilities whilst under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other mood-altering substances.
  • The training area and First Party’s premises operate a strict no smoking policy.
  • Second Party shall require wearing the school Material Art Suit while exercising and to dress modestly during the training sessions.
  • If the Second Party has become disabled for at least three (3) months during the period of this agreement and that disability is confirmed in writing by a physician, the Second Party has a right to freeze the membership period and seek an extension of the contract period for the disabled period.


Company name: Young Ung Academy Material Arts L.L.C

Address:  Sheikh Rashid Building (Trade Center 1) Sheikh Zayed Road – 308th Road Building Number R114 Shop Number 6

Phone number: +971 565367812

Email: info@yu-taekwondo.ae

Manager: Dr. Andreas Held and Miljan Malidzan

License No: 1252534

Register No: 2113364

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