Information about Kup exams

To reach the next belt, the next level, you need to pass an exam successfully.
Examination dates occur several times a year – they are always announced about 2 months in advance and posted in every school.
Several locations are grouped together for examinations, and the members of these locations all take the exam together.
To be admitted to the exam, your school principal must put you on the exam list. Only your school principal or Sabomnim can do this.
POOM - Examination regulations (up to 16 years)
Toddler exam
for 9th Kup

- Hyong : Copy No. 1
- Breaking test: heel kick on a board lying on the ground
- Coordination: Stand on one leg (left and right, 10sec.), 3 basic kicks on a target as instructed.
- Security: Own name, date of birth, home address, names of closest family members
Toddler exam
for 8th Kup

- Hyong: No. 1 and No. 2 with command
- Breaking test: heel kick swinging from top to bottom with straight leg
- Coordination: Parcour
- Safety: 8 self-protection techniques (left, right, up, down, grabbing up and down, choking front and back) Telephone number of a parent + emergency numbers
- Order: Tie your belt
POOM - Examination regulations (up to 16 years)
Examination for 9th Kup

- One-step combat: reaction (top-bottom)
- Values: Politeness – Respect – Order – Tolerance
- Theory: counting 1-10 in Korean
- Hyong: 1 in the diagram
- Training hours: 18
- Breaking test: Yop Chagi rear leg
- Self-defense : 8 self-protection techniques
(right, left, top, bottom, grabbing top+bottom, choking front+back) - Fitness: 5 push-ups + 30 Chongul jumps
- Order: Tie your belt
Video: Examination regulations for the 9th Kup
Examination for 8th Kup

- Hyong: 1-3 (Diagram)
- Training hours: 24
- Breaking test: TYMEN NERIO CHAGI (front leg jumped)
- Self-defense: 3 grips (wrist)
crosswise, parallel, both - Fitness: 10 push-ups
- One-step combat: 2 x block solar plexus
(front hand//back hand)
- Values: Reliability – Honesty – Integrity
- Theory: Being able to tie a belt
Video: Examination regulations for the 8th Kup
Examination for 7th Kup

- Hyong: 1-4 (Diagram), 1 (Front)
- Poomsae: 1
- Training hours: 27
- Breaking test: TYMEN TORA ANERIO CHAGI (Twisted jump)
- Self-defense: 3 grips (shoulder) crossed, parallel, both
- Fitness: 1 min wall sit + 1 min abdominal muscles
- One-step fight: Go in – elbow + turn in – elbow
- Free fight: 1 kick – 1 kick (forward – back)
- Values: Trustworthiness – Willingness to help
- Theory: Hyong 1-4
Video: Examination regulations for the 7th Kup
Examination for 6th Kup

- Hyong: 1-5 (Diagram), 2 (Front), 2 (Fight)
- Poomsa : 2
- Training hours: 33
- Breaking test: PANDE TOLLIO CHAGI + TYMEN TORA TOLLIO CHAGI (twisted jump)
- Self-defense: 2 grips (hair) front, back
- Fitness: 30 push-ups, 2 min wall sits, 2 min abdominals
- One-step combat: 2 predefined BASIC techniques
- Free fight: 3 kick – 3 kick (forward – back)
- Kimoodo: standing
- Values: Patience – Endurance
- Theory: Behavior in emergency situations (lost, alone at night, threatened alone, threatened with weaker companion)
Video: Examination regulations for the 6th Kup
Examination for 5th Kup

- Hyong: 1-7 (Diagram), 4 (Front)
- Poomsa: 3
- Training hours: 36
- Breaking test: TYMEN TORA YOP CHAGI (twisted jump) + CHONKWON JIRUGI (fist any side)
- Self-defense: 3 knives (basic) 3 sticks (basic)
- Fitness: 10 burpees
- One-step combat: 3 predefined STANDARD techniques
- Free fight: Kick – jump kick (2 x same technique in a row)
- Values: Compassion – Caring
- Theory: Hyong 1-6
Video: Examination regulations for the 5th Kup
Examination for 4th Kup

- Hyong: 1-8 (Diagram), 8 (Front)
- Poomsa: 4
- Training hours: 56
- Breaking test: TYMEN YOP CHAGI + CHONKWON JIRUGI (in a jump at the same time)
- Self-defense: 4 releases (2x choking from the side, 2x choking from the front)
- Fitness: 20 burpees
- Free fight: Kick into the target (quick sequence)
- Kimoodo: Stretching variant
- Values: Self-control – Courage
- Theory: 3 techniques Hyong 1-8
Video: Examination regulations for the 4th Kup
Examination for 3rd Kup

- Hyong: 1-10 (Diagram), 6 (Front)
- Poomse: 5 Training hours: 60
- Breaking test: TYMEN TOLLIO PANDE CHAGI 360° + YOKSUDO TAERIGI (other side)
- Self-defense: 4 knives (2x from below + 2x from above)
5 sticks (from the front neck, from the front vertically, from above, from the back neck, from the side)
4 releases (side headlock, from behind, lying on the back) - Fitness: 30 burpees
- One-step combat: 2 self-created techniques
- Free Fight: Free Fight (Distance, Backward, Turning)
- Values: Gratitude – Integrity
- Theory: Nutrition (water balance, electrolytes, blood sugar levels)
Video: Examination regulations for the 3rd Kup
Examination for 2nd Kup

- Hyong: 1-11 (Diagram), 9 (Front)
- Poomsa: 6
- Training hours: 68
- Breaking test: TYMEN TORA AP CHAGI + YOKSUDO TAERIGI + SUDO TAERIGI (both hand techniques at the same time)
- Self-defense: 3 fast attackers from 3 different directions with 3 different techniques in 3 different sequences: alternating handle-knife-stick
- One-step combat: 5 techniques (quick without command)
- Free Fight: Free Fight (all types of kicks)
- Values: Indomitable – Optimism
- T heory: Belt color meanings
Video: Examination regulations for the 2nd Kup
Examination for 1st Kup

- Hyong: 1-12 (Diagram), 10 (Front), 9 (Fight)
- Poomsa: 7
- Training hours: 72
- Self-defense: Hosinsul Hyong 1
- One-step combat+free combat: Free combat with 5 one-step combat techniques (on examiner’s command)
- Kimoodo: Stick shape
- Values: modesty – enthusiasm
- Theory: 5 general questions from various areas
Video: Examination regulations for the 1st Kup
Acrobatics Examination Regulations
Acrobatics Level 1
- Flight roll
- 2 wheels on one hand (very fast)
- Headstand 30 sec.
- Neck tilt
- Double-Ap fracture test (same leg)
- Handstand breaking test
- Tollio – Pande breaking test (very quick)
Acrobatics Level 2
- Wheel break test (bale)
- Sliding tackle kick double AP break test
- Handstand 5 sec.
- Handstand rollover
- 540° Pande fracture test
- Wall Tollio Break Test
- Auerbach (around the partner’s arm)
Acrobatics Level 3
- Forward somersault
- Backward somersault (from the partner’s double hand)
- Hip Hop Breaking Test
- One-arm wheel with breaking test (heel)
- Cartwheel + back flip
- FlikFlak
- 540° Pande break test (backwards)
Acrobatics Level 4
- Wheel without hands
- 3-fold Ap fracture test
- Forward somersault
- Roll – head tilt handstand roll
- Backward roll into handstand with breaking test
- Pande 180° break test (both legs in the air + 1 hand on the ground)
- Hold on to the wall bars for 10 seconds.
- Walk up the wall + back somersault
Acrobatics Level 5
- Wall Pande Break Test
- Wheel turn – Flik Flak – Somersault
- cork
- Back flip breaking test
- Handstand in square + neck tilt from handstand
- Rollover with fracture test
- over the back Salto rkw. Break test
- Wall Spinner
- Auerbach Salto
- Salto rkw. from the box
Acrobatics Level 6
- Rollover over box or partner
- Forward salto stretched
- Salto rkw. stretched
- Side salto
- Salto rkw. on one leg with kick breaking test
- Doublenerio sliding tackle break test
- Salto rkw. about partners
- Salto forward over partner
- Auerbach on human level with breaking test
- Tollio with human spring breaking test